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Press Release

Municipal District Community Fund Scheme 2022

…supporting local communities across the county…

By Youghal Tourism Thursday AT 3:37PM

Cork County Council is committed to supporting local communities across County Cork.  Financial assistance
for community & voluntary groups and local organisations is  available through the Community Fund Scheme 2022.
This scheme is administered by the 8 Municipal District Offices around County Cork and there are three separate funding
streams, depending on the nature and cost of your proposal.

Capital Fund Schema
Community Contracts
Amenity Fund Scheme

Further information about this funding is available online and you may also apply online from 10am Wednesday 12th January
at www.corkcoco.ie or www.yourcouncil.ie
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 4pm Tuesday -15th February 2022

Personal information may be collected by Cork County Council to enable the processing of your submission/enquiry.  Cork County Council can legally process this information as necessary to comply with its statuary/legal obligations.  Such information will be processed in line with the Council’s privacy statement which is available at www.corkcoco.ie