As part of its Tóstal an tSean Thoir 2016, Youghal Comhaltas has commissioned a Musical pageant on 1916. The Musical Pageant will include a short drama to be performed by Youghal Little Theatre with music and song. Adapted by local historian, Kieran Groeger, from Michael Danton’s Original Play on Connolly, the play depicts Connolly as an impressionable young teenager while he was posted to Youghal as a soldier in the British Army.
It is a fictional story based on historical facts. It will briefly look at what Connolly would have been expected to do as a young soldier. The scene is set in Youghal at a time of incredible tension and major national changes. It is reported that Connolly was so incensed with the behavior of the British Army that he quickly realized that he was fighting for the wrong side. Two of Youghal’s historical buildings the Clock Gate and the Bridewell Prison, which were used by the British will serve as backdrops to the Short Drama. The Soup Kitchen at Barry’s ,run by the Quakers, is also featured in the Drama. Musical interludes will be performed by Ceolta Si.
Being staged in Youghal’s beautiful Mall Arts Theatre over 3 nights (Monday 27th June 2016 – Wednesday 29th June 2016), the event will be a highlight of this year’s Tóstal.
Show commences at 8.00pm Admission: €12.00
Tickets available from Kays Flower Shop, North Main Street, Youghal – online at (€2.00 booking fee applies)
or telephone 087 9593276