Over the years Youghal has built up strong relationships and connection with many supporting agencies and government bodies. Our continued collaboration with these agencies ensures that Youghal is a great place to live, work, and do business.
Youghal Chamber of Tourism & Development: Youghal Chamber offers support and assistance to local businesses in growing and providing the best environment for business success.
Ring of Cork: A networking association of tourism related enterprises in South and East Cork region dedicating to promoting the “Ring of Cork” area as tourism destination of excellence.
SECAD, South and East Cork Area Development is a partnership company, providing employment supports to individuals and groups to seek employment, education and/or training. It’s supports also include mentoring, training courses, grants and new business networking.
Irish Walled Town Network: The role of the Irish Walled Towns Network (IWTN) is to unite and co-ordinate the strategic efforts of Local Authorities involved in the management, conservation and enhancement of historic walled towns in Ireland, both North and South.
Local Enterprise Office: Local Enterprise Office provides advice, information and support in starting up or growing “your own business”. Local Enterprise Offices offer you a wide range of experience, expertise, education, skills and services.
Enterprise Ireland: Enterprise Ireland is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. Working in partnership with Irish entrepreneurs in helping them start, grow, innovate and win export sales in global markets.
Fáilte Ireland: Fáilte Ireland is the National Tourism Development Authority whose role is supporting and working to sustain Ireland as a high quality and competitive tourism destination.