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Press Release

Youghal Visitor Swing Moorings

Check out our Youghal Visitor Moorings co-ordinates…

By Youghal Tourism Monday AT 12:00PM

Cork County Council is delighted to announce the installation of 6 visitor moorings in Youghal Harbour. The overall design, procurement and installation of the moorings cost approximately  €20,000 and was very generously supported by the Dept. of Agriculture Food and the Marine.   The moorings are attached onto 3.5 tonne concrete mooring blocks with 38mm and 20mm steel chain and each has a “pick up” buoy attached.  The moorings are free to use for short term visitors to Youghal and are a fantastic boost to the development of Marine Tourism in the town. The moorings will be managed by the East Cork Municipal District and queries in relation to these moorings can be directed to the Youghal Office at 024-92926.

The 6 moorings coordinates are identified below and are presented in 3 separate co-ordinate systems.


Youghal Visitor Swing Moorings – Mooring Co-ordinates
Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Easting Northing
 Mooring  Number Deg Min Sec Deg Min Sec m m m m
1 51 57 15.84 7 50 37.97 610730.97 578046.39 210782.80 77985.66
2 51 57 14.40 7 50 36.96 610750.31 578001.93 210802.15 77941.20
3 51 57 12.60 7 50 35.81 610772.43 577946.36 210824.27 77885.61
4 51 57 11.16 7 50 34.73 610793.14 577901.90 210844.99 77841.14
5 51 57 9.36 7 50 33.72 610812.51 577846.32 210864.36 77785.55
6 51 57 33.72 7 50 32.64 610833.23 577801.87 210855.08 77741.09