REPRO FREE 06/03/2019;
Helen Mulcahy, Cork Co.Co.,Cllr. Michael Ahern, Cork Co.Co., Aileen Murray, Ironman Team Cork Co.Co., Rosanne Kidney, Goldfish Events, Cllr. Mary Linehan Foley, Deputy Mayor of Cork County, Cllr. Patrick Gerard Murphy, Mayor of Cork County, John Innes, Course Director Ironman Cork, Andrew Davies, Clerk to Tenby Town Council, Marc Owen, Street Care and Parking Manager Pembrokeshire County Council, Cllr. Phil Baker, Cabinet Member for Major Events Pembrokeshire County Council, and Sean O’Callaghan, Senior Executive Officer Cork Co.Co., assembling at the County Council Offices in Youghal to raise the Ironman flag and to welcome a delegation from Tenby, Wales, to share their experiences of Ironman Wales, which is now in it’s ninth year. They had a series of meetings with local organisations, Cork Co.Co., Official Sponsors, and business representatives.
Ironman Ireland Cork will be held in Youghal on June 23rd and more info can be found at or
Picture: John Hennessy